
This fanlisting is for the book and movie character, Clarice Starling. Clarice was played by actress Jodie Foster in The Silence of the Lambs and by Julianne Moore in Hannibal. The character is also considered to be one of the best of all time!

A fanlisting is a website built by a fan or fans of whatever subject the website is about. Its intention is to bring together the people who like or love the subject and become the largest world-wide list of fans. When someone joins, they are simply adding their information here to say that they too are a fan, so when you join, what you are saying is, "I'm a fan of Clarice!" That's it! It doesn't obligate you to anything else and it doesn't cost anything to be a listed fan, so if you're a fan like the rest of us, come on and join the list! :)